In Africa
; The new Adventure Begins
I changed planes in Amsterdam to catch the KLM flight
to Kilimanjaro and Dar es Salaam in Tanzania, the latter my final destination.
The flight was long; eight or nine hours, with a stop at Kilimanjaro, then on,
after an hour lay-over to deplane and reload passengers, another forty minutes
to Dar es Salaam. It required only a quick look at the obvious make-up and
dress of the passengers to determine that they were not locals but primarily
western tourists who would be getting off in Kilimanjaro for trips to Lake
Victoria, the Serengeti and the grand mountain itself; Kilimanjaro.
Dar Es Salaam
The process was typically almost trouble free but not anything that patience and careful,
albeit repeated, explanation couldn’t resolve. I always over-pack and this was
no exception. I inevitably regret it when I wrestle the luggage from the belt.
Customs was totally uneventful and as the frosted glass doors parted I found
myself facing the row of agents two-deep behind the half-wall partition, each
holding a paper or cardboard sign with a name on it. Having arranged a driver
beforehand, I carefully studied the anxious faces, well actually their signs,
until I found one with my name on it.
We greeted each other. Clement already knew where I
was going. The drive was not long. “Have you ever been to Tanzania before?”
“First time in Africa?”
“Yes, except for a one day trip to Morocco.” My mind
paused to recall that one and only trip to the continent. It was a one day trip
from Gibraltar to Tangier. Ferry over; tour of the city by bus; stop at the
Kasbah to shop and have lunch, then and back on the ferry. That was so many
years ago.
We pulled under the portico of the hotel. It was
late, I was tired. I checked in, found my room, and, although my body was on
some other time left far behind by jet speed travel, I went immediately to
My meeting Monday was in the afternoon, allowing me
to rest without worrying about early morning business things. I rose relatively
early, all things considered, and after getting breakfast and acclimating, I
decided a stroll to the nearest supermarket would give me a flavor for the
local environment. The flora reminded me of home in Florida; mangos, bananas,
papayas, citrus, coconut palms, traveler palms, areca palms, queen palms,
silver palms, buccaneer palms, royal Poinciana, plumeria (frangipani), and
bougainvillea – lots and lots of bougainvillea. Not seven degrees below the
equator, the tropical flavor was to be expected. In other respects, the place
reminded me a bit of Bangladesh, but the differences are striking – traffic
here is horrid but not as bad a Dhaka, no rickshaws in Dar es Salaam, - even on
a short walk it was clear I was in Africa, a place I have never been. And so a
new adventure had begun.
That was in October and my initial experiences, as
always, created an impression and image of this place that would become my home
for three years. That image, and that impression, have not changed with the intervening
time, they have only been enriched. As
we meet new friends, local and expat, as we begin to find our way from place to
place, as we learn more words in the local language - Swahili, as we see more
things, eat more food, visit more shops, listen to more advice, explanations
and stories, we become further embedded in this culture of which before now we
had only read.
Peacocks roam freely in the downtown area, especially in the diplomatic/government areas. This one is on the fence seperating the Southern Sun Hotel from the Botnical Garden |
Buried in the history of Africa are the very origins
of man and his evolution to who we are today. Wandering through the dusty
streets of the largest city in Tanzania, Dar es Salaam, none of that is
apparent. What is apparent are the remnants of a colonial past dating to the
turn of the nineteenth century. Ten years after Doctor Livingstone visited this
country, found the wrong lake and was presumed lost forever, Tanganyika became
a German colony. After forty years, including twenty years of wars with African
tribes, the country was taken from the Germans and given to the British after
World War I. The romantic in us wants to believe that Bogie and Hepburn on the
African Queen in the epic movie of the same name had something to do with that
transition. It is the British influence, however, that dominates the
architecture, language, and adopted culture of the city.
Azania Front Lutheran Church in Downtown Dar es Salaam |
In Dar es Salaam, the past, even as short as it is, is tucked
around the feet of the large steel, concrete, and glass structures growing
rapidly across the skyline. It is a small part old, a large part new, like many
of the world’s major cities. Swirling around and through the streets of Dar es
Salaam with its colonial influence and modern ambitions are the remnants and
reminders of an Africa of our visions, of the television and movies, an Africa
that we struggle to pull up from the dust of an existence that belies all that
the modern world is. The streets have few sidewalks and the dirt paths along
them turn to mud in the rains and dust in the heat, not unlike the great
savanna to the west of the city. Among the suits and ties of a modern business center, a
woman in a sarong walks with a basket adroitly balanced on her head. One does
not have to look far to see poverty, and an excursion outside of the city will
expose an Africa that Dr. Livingstone saw on his arrival.
But Dar is where I find myself for the coming weeks
and months. It is a learning experience. Sometimes a bit disconcerting, but
always intriguing as new visions, new people and a new culture begin to unfold
before our eyes then subtly and inescapably envelop us.
Until the next connection, Dan
1 comment:
Great piece, I can't wait to come and experience Africa. What an awesome Adventure!
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